The Future of the Past

The Future of the Past

Το Μελλον του Παρελθοντος

From the Culture of Profit to the Culture of Joy

Universalism in its old forms has, just like door-to-door milkmen, gone for good. But the search for some universally accepted ethical standards cannot be abandoned – values are not as colourless as the wind and odourless as thoughts.

Looking into our world from the classical Greek point of view, Yannis Andricopoulos wonders whether we cannot place Justice at the heart of our morality again, look forward to the happiness of the individual rather than the upgrading of his or her consumer fantasies, and endeavour to create, rather than more wealth, a just and honourable world. The reinstatement of Justice as the supreme principle to which everything is subordinated should become, the author argues, humanity’s primary goal. But this takes nothing less than a cultural revolution.

The Future of the Past, noted for its elegance and humour, is written in ‘a lively, challenging style guaranteeing to stimulate debate on the most pressing issues of our time’.

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©2018 Yannis Andricopoulos